Christian Worship Hour: Bringing Christ to You, Wherever You Are

At Christian Worship Hour, we love to share God's Word and help people grow in their faith everywhere, including in Pierre. We offer televised church services so you can join us without leaving your house. You'll hear encouraging talks, enjoy beautiful music, and feel like you're part of a big family. You can pick from 30-minute talks or 60-minute services, whatever fits your day better. Plus, we have short videos to give you a quick boost of inspiration. Our services are on TV too! We're on over 80 stations all across the country every week. Just find the one near you and tune in to be with us.

Watch Christian Worship Hour on TV Every Sunday

Our Sunday TV service from Pierre’s Christian Worship Hour airs on KSFY every Sunday at 10 a.m. CST and KELO XTRA every Sunday at 8 a.m. CST.

About Christian Worship Hour

At Christian Worship Hour, we believe the Bible is God's perfect Word, and in one God who exists as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in God the Father's love and mercy, and in Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary, lived without sin, died for our sins, and rose again. We also believe in the Holy Spirit as a guide for those who trust in Jesus. We see all believers as a family that crosses all boundaries to spread redemption worldwide through Christ's teachings. 

Explore Our Online Resources

At Christian Worship Hour, we share our Pierre televised church services and sermons with everyone. You can watch our library of 30-minute messages and 60-minute services online at, or join us each Sunday on TV. We also offer devotional videos to inspire you and bring reflection to your life.

Our weekly services are broadcast in Pierre on the TV station KSFY every Sunday at 10 a.m. CST and KELO XTRA every Sunday at 8 a.m. CST. It's a perfect way for you to feel part of our community without leaving your home. Tune in for uplifting messages and fellowship every Sunday for a spiritual recharge!

Never Miss a Beat: Sign Up for Our Uplifting Newsletter

To keep up with everything happening at Christian Worship Hour, sign up for our Christian newsletter. You’ll receive updates, inspiring stories, as well as motivational content via mail or email.

Support Our Mission: Share the Light, Strengthen the Flock

Support from believers, including those in Pierre, is crucial and can be shown through donations, tithing, and estate giving. These forms of giving not only help sustain current efforts but also ensure a lasting legacy for future generations. By choosing to donate or engage in estate giving, individuals contribute significantly to spreading the message of faith far and wide, reinforcing the impact of their beliefs through generosity.

Christian Worship Hour offers a variety of ways for people to connect with their faith and find inspiration. Through our televised church services in Pierre, individuals can feel part of a larger community from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, online services at are available for those who prefer digital access, making it easy to stay spiritually engaged no matter where they are. Inspiring devotionals are also provided, offering encouragement and guidance. This blend of accessible spiritual resources helps people everywhere find strength in Scripture, joy in fellowship, and a clear path guided by Christ's love.

Click here to watch sermons online anytime.