What Must I Not Do To Be Saved

Weekly Services

Luke 15:11-24 Should we put off accepting Jesus? Is there only one way to heaven? God does not want anyone to be lost. Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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The Beauty Of The Lord

Weekly Services

Psalm 90:8-17 Is Jesus’ beauty fading? Should we reflect on the beauty of the Lord? Is the beauty of the Lord attracting? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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Money Matters

Weekly Services

Luke 12:16-21 Does everything we have belong to God? Is our soul more important than earthly things? Should we put God before money? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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When Jesus Comes Again

Weekly Services

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Will the return of Jesus be personal? Can the return of Jesus happen at any time? Will the return of Jesus be wonderful for the believer? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES  

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The Soul’s Quest For God

Weekly Services

Philippians 3:7-16 Should there be a yearning for the personal Christ? Should there be a yearning for the power of resurrection? Should there be a yearning for the fellowship of Christ’s suffering? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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Where Are The Dead?

Weekly Services

Luke 16:19-31 Do we lose consciousness when we die? Is there any change after death? Do we have memories after death? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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Take Time To Pray

Weekly Services

Hebrews 11:1-10 Is prayer fellowship and communion with God? Did Jesus tell us to pray? Are we to pray without ceasing? Audio version of this sermon #cwhHES

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Life Which Becomes The Gospel

Weekly Services

Philippians 1:21-30 Is prayer fellowship and communion with God? Did Jesus tell us to pray? Are we to pray without ceasing? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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Elisha: Great Prophet Of God

Weekly Services

II Kings 2:8-15 Did Elisha have a great message? Did Elisha have a great vision? Did Elisha have great power? Audio Version Of This Sermon #cwhHES

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